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CGG Registered by Mexico’s National Hydrocarbons Commission

Paris, France | May 17, 2016

CGG has announced that its Mexican entity, CGGVeritas Services de México S.A. de C.V. (CGG), has become one of only a small number of companies to be registered by Mexico’s National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) as an independent third party qualified to audit and certify Mexico’s reserves, either for oil and gas operators or directly for the CNH.

CGG GeoConsulting’s Robertson petroleum reservoir & economics group specializes in a wide range of geoscience, reservoir engineering, facilities engineering, and economics consultancy services. It has a specialist certifier level and considerable experience in conducting audits using the Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS), the international standard for defining and reporting petroleum reserves and resources.

Registration of CGG’s auditing and reporting expertise will apply to all of Mexico’s oil and natural gas resources from conventional to unconventional in both offshore and onshore settings.

Jean-Georges Malcor, CEO, CGG, said: “CGG has over twenty-five years of operating history in Mexico, during which time it has consistently taken the lead in introducing the latest geological, geophysical and reservoir technologies to support Mexico’s exploration, development and production challenges. It therefore seems fitting that, with our wider geoscience capabilities, we can now extend this role as a registered reserves auditor for Mexico.”