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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | R. Poncet (CGG), J. Messud (CGG), M. Bader (CGG), G. Lambaré (CGG), G. Viguier (CGG), C. Hidalgo (INEOS) © 2018 EAGE | June

We present the application to a 3D real dataset of full waveform inversion (FWI) with optimal transport (OT) using the Kantorovich-Rubinstein (KR) distance as proposed by Métivier et al. (2016). This approach involves an efficient numerical implementation for OT in time and space directions ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | S. Hou (CGG), R. Haacke (CGG), A. Corbett (CGG), M. Wanczuk (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

Guided wave inversion (GWI) estimates accurate P-wave velocity in the near surface by analyzing the dispersion curves of guided waves. In this paper, we propose a robust inversion scheme to reduce the non-unique solutions and discuss the usage of GWI for full waveform inversion ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | A. JafarGandomi(CGG), J. Richardson (CGG), H. Hoeber (CGG), M. Galyga (CGG), P. Smith (CGG), A. Irving (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

We show how to separate the seismic image into specular reflections and diffractions using dip-angle gathers. A North Sea example and a 4D example are used to show the efficacy of the algorithm. The 4D example shows a significant reduction in imaging noise.

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | G. Poole (CGG), J. Cooper (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

While the benefits of vertical particle velocity measurements are well known for towed streamer receiver deghosting, in many cases high noise levels can cause practical issues. We describe an inversion-driven receiver deghosting approach which is jointly constrained by hydrophone data and prior wavefield separated ...

Technical Abstract
Workshop/forum/seminar (other) | David Hamersley © 2018 | March

The scope for using EO satellites for routine monitoring of offshore operations is continually expanding in ways that make factors of cost and time more feasible than ever before. Near-real-time processing and delivery remain the most appropriate solution for emergency scenarios; however, proactive monitoring ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Corentin Chiffot1, Anthony Prescott1, Martin Grimshaw1, Francesca Oggioni1, Monika Kowalczyk-Kedzierska1, Sharon Cooper1, Rodney G. Johnston2 and David Le Meur1, 1CGG, 2BP © 2017 SEG | September

We propose a data-driven interferometry technique to remove low frequency aliased and non-conical surface waves in cross-spread domain. Despite insufficient sampling of the constructive regions in the cross-spread domain, the proposed approach has been designed for effectively handling any kind of 3D sparse geometry ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Adriano Gomes and Nicolas Chazalnoel © 2017 SEG | September

We present a Reflection FWI (RFWI) workflow to update the velocity model using the low-wavenumber component of the FWI gradient of reflection data. This is achieved by alternately using high-wavenumber and low-wavenumber components to update density and velocity models, respectively. With synthetic examples, we ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Kai Zhang, Javier Subia, Chevron; Chanjuan Sun, Hao Shen, Nuree Han © 2017 SEG | September

The Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, features complex shallow geology in the forms of pronounced seabed canyons and paleo-canyons. The rapid variations in the velocity field due to these complex shallow geologic features can be difficult for ray-based tomography techniques to resolve, resulting in distorted ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Yang Song, Yan Liu, Bing Bai, Lingli Hu, CGG; Michelle Abraham, Yafei Wu, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation © 2017 SEG | September

Seismic inversion transforms seismic reflection data into quantitative rock-property descriptions of a reservoir. Seismic data bandwidth is limited by signal-to-noise ratio, absorption, source wavelet, and shot and receiver ghosts. A typical deterministic seismic inversion workflow fills the low frequencies by extrapolating or interpolating existing ...