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Technical Abstract

Deblending of OBN highly dense simultaneous sources acquisition offshore Indonesia

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In previous publications, a hybrid deblending flow was proposed in which the last step of residual guided noise attenuation using the Noise to Signal Ratio (NSR) map was employed. This flow was proven to be effective and efficient for many OBS surveys. However, due to the more severe semi-coherent cross-talk noise in our data, a modification of the flow is needed. Utilizing the two insights (1) most recorded energy of the seismic data is bound within the direct arrival and shallow reflectors whose two-way-traveltime (TWT) is roughly known and (2) no or minimal remnant noise should be present in the extracted signal; we first focus on retrieving the direct arrival and primaries signals from shallow reflectors followed by retrieving the remaining primaries energy. Each iteration of signal inversion is accompanied by a three-dimensional joint low-rank and sparse inversion (JLSI) noise attenuation to ensure that minimal cross-talk noise would enter into the signal space.
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SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Robert To, Jain Cai, Fong Cheen Loh, Barry Hung (CGG); Simon Wolfarth (BP)




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