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Technical Abstract

Time variant amplitude and phase dispersion correction for broadband data

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Contrary to conventional seismic that focuses in a narrow band in middle frequencies, broadband seismic aims at acquiring information within the whole bandwidth emitted by the source. A good knowledge of the source signature is thus of paramount importance in broadband processing. However, the measurement of source signature is difficult and the modeling results are not satisfactory in the low frequencies. Another source of wavelet dispersion is that seismic waves suffer from energy loss and phase dispersion due to intrinsic and apparent absorption which vary laterally and in depth. To address these challenges, a data-driven time variant non-Gaussian wavelet estimation which is sensible to phase is developed. As demonstrated on a North Sea broadband dataset, the proposed technique is able to produce zero-phase data on an enlarged bandwidth, both on low and high frequencies.
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SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Feng Yang, Ronan Sablon, Robert Soubaras




© 2015 SEG