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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | C. Lacombe, G. Gigou, H. Hoeber, A. JafarGandomi, S. de Pierrepont, V. Souvannavong & J. Verbeke, CGG © 2017 SEG | September

Reservoir characterization methods require seismic data processed for this purpose. We propose a QC methodology for AVO and low frequency. We use a small set of attributes with which we identify signal preservation and pre-stack data consistency across the full data bandwidth. The methodology ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Katarina Jonke, Zhan Fu, Brad Wray, Hao Shen © 2017 SEG | September

Reflection-based full waveform inversion (RFWI) is increasingly used to recover long wavelengths of the background velocity model and provide updates that extend beyond the reach of diving waves. In our case study, we use an RFWI method that first updates the density using the ...

Technical Abstract
SEG workshop/forum/local conference | Fong Cheen Loh, Boon Leng Chuah, Zhen Yu Zhou, Jian Cai, Xue Gong, Jian Feng Yao, Xiao Gui Miao, Joe Zhou, CGG; Nguyen Lam Anh, Vu Van Khuong, Vietsovpetro © 2017 SEG | September

In this paper, we focus on how to use PS imaging to help detecting the reservoir in the clastic layers. PS data allows for imaging of these reservoir units that have poor P-wave but high PS-wave reflectivity and also for lithological discrimination via extracted ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Thibaut Allemand, Anna Sedova, Olivier Hermant © 2017 SEG | September

It is often observed that common image gathers computed after FWI are not flat. This is due to an improper anisotropy estimation. We propose a new joint reflections-diving rays tomography to estimate anisotropy prior to FWI. It aims at both flattening the common image ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Guangfu Shao, Dongping Zhuang, Rongxin Huang, Ping Wang (CGG); Bertram Nolte, Pedro Paramo, Kareem Vincent (BP) © 2017 SEG | September

Standard prestack depth migration (PSDM), e.g., Kirchhoff/RTM, is by nature unable to fully recover the reflectivity with desired amplitude and resolution due to factors such as inhomogeneous subsurface illumination and irregular acquisition geometry. This shortcoming is well recognized by the imaging community and has ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Lorenzo Casasanta, Francesco Perrone, Graham Roberts, Andrew Ratcliffe, Karen Purcell, Arash JafarGandomi, Gordon Poole © 2017 SEG | September

Least-squares depth migration approximates the inverse of the forward modeling. We show two real data applications of a single iteration (non-iterative) Kirchhoff least-squares depth migration process, generically referred to as migration deconvolution, to highlight the benefits of this process. Our first example demonstrates improved ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Kai Zhang, Javier Subia, Chevron; Chanjuan Sun, Hao Shen, Nuree Han © 2017 SEG | September

The Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, features complex shallow geology in the forms of pronounced seabed canyons and paleo-canyons. The rapid variations in the velocity field due to these complex shallow geologic features can be difficult for ray-based tomography techniques to resolve, resulting in distorted ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Yang Song, Yan Liu, Bing Bai, Lingli Hu, CGG; Michelle Abraham, Yafei Wu, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation © 2017 SEG | September

Seismic inversion transforms seismic reflection data into quantitative rock-property descriptions of a reservoir. Seismic data bandwidth is limited by signal-to-noise ratio, absorption, source wavelet, and shot and receiver ghosts. A typical deterministic seismic inversion workflow fills the low frequencies by extrapolating or interpolating existing ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Ming Wang, Shouting Huang, Ping Wang © 2017 SEG | September

Least-squares migration (LSM) can potentially provide better amplitude fidelity, higher image resolution, and fewer migration artifacts than standard migration. Conventional LSM is often solved iteratively through linearized inversion, and therefore is often referred to as iterative LSM. In recent years, various single-iteration LSM approaches ...