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Technical Content

Industry Article
Interpretation (SEG+AAPG) | Leandro B. Adriano, Paulo T. L. Menezes, Manuela S. Adriano, Alan S. Cunha, Marlon H. Cabrera, Daniel S. Silva, and Luiz P. Moura © 2018 SEG | February

Here we use a multi-client magnetic airborne survey to interpret and estimate the magnetic basement relief of the Jequitinhonha Basin. Satellite Gravity, seismic lines and well logs are integrated in the interpretation. Exudation points are also analyzed constructing a relationship between structural features and ...

Industry Article
Interpretation (SEG+AAPG) | Ekaterina Kneller, Manuel Peiro © 2018 | February

In this work we propose to revisit some of the main steps of a seismic reservoir characterization workflow, using a MCNV Campos Basin broadband seismic dataset. The objective is to illustrate the differences with conventional seismic data, identify potential pitfalls and suggest best practices ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Chao Peng, Minshen Wang, Nicolas Chazalnoel, Adriano Gomes © 2018 SEG | January

Despite continuous improvements in seismic acquisition and processing technology, imaging under the salt remains very challenging, specifically because of the difficulty to update the complex salt geometries and the velocity under them. Synthetic studies show that when certain conditions are met, full waveform inversion ...

Industry Article
First Break | Shouting Huang, Zhao Wang, Ming Wang, Adel Khalil, Ping Wang, Xiaodong Wu, Yi Xie, Francesco Perrone, Chu-ong Ting © 2017 EAGE | December

Demonstrate the value of least-squares migration on various complex geology around the world. It includes real data examples published by various SI teams such as least-squares Kirchhoff for tow-streamer/OBS 4D, LS-RTM for subsalt imaging, least-square Q-PSDM on Northsea & Austrialia.

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Peter Mesdag, Leonardo Quevedo © 2017 SEG | November

A new method is outlined that allows you to use isotropic seismic modeling and inversion technology in an anisotropic setting. The method is based on the mapping of the isotropic elastic parameters into effective elastic parameters, appropriate for the expected type of anisotropy. This ...

Industry Article
First Break | Marianne Parsons, Pedro Martinez Duran, Wolfgang Soyer, Gregor Duval © 2017 EAGE | September

A recent 3D Broadseis survey was performed in the southern offshore area of Gabon, showing a wealth of detailed information in the seismic data. Understanding how these structures relate to the tectonic evolution of this basin requires the integration of the concurrently acquired gravity ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Corentin Chiffot1, Anthony Prescott1, Martin Grimshaw1, Francesca Oggioni1, Monika Kowalczyk-Kedzierska1, Sharon Cooper1, Rodney G. Johnston2 and David Le Meur1, 1CGG, 2BP © 2017 SEG | September

We propose a data-driven interferometry technique to remove low frequency aliased and non-conical surface waves in cross-spread domain. Despite insufficient sampling of the constructive regions in the cross-spread domain, the proposed approach has been designed for effectively handling any kind of 3D sparse geometry ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Adriano Gomes and Nicolas Chazalnoel © 2017 SEG | September

We present a Reflection FWI (RFWI) workflow to update the velocity model using the low-wavenumber component of the FWI gradient of reflection data. This is achieved by alternately using high-wavenumber and low-wavenumber components to update density and velocity models, respectively. With synthetic examples, we ...