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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | H. Toubiana Lille* (CGG), G. Gigou (CGG), L. Vivin (CGG), T. Rebert (CGG), S. Baillon (CGG), J.-L. Rivault (CGG), L. Smadja (CGG), J. Palmer (CGG), H. Krishna (CGG), G. James (CGG) © 2017 EAGE | June

3500 km2 of marine data from West of Shetlands have been reprocessed using latest processing technologies available (including deghosting). This case study demonstrates the benefit to re-process conventionnal data (acquired in the 90's) to get a broadband result (better definition, larger spectrum).

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Thomas Bardainne, Katia Garceran, Matthieu Retailleau, Xavier Duwattez, Raphael Sternfels, David Le Meur © 2017 EAGE | June

We propose a laterally constrained surface wave inversion to obtain a reliable near-surface shear-wave velocity field from Rayleigh wave measurements. This workflow is targeted at dense 3D broadband Wide-Azimuth land surveys, aiming to obtain reliable and realistic lateral shear-wave velocity variations pertinent with regard ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Hua Chen (CNOOC), Senqing Hu (CNOOC), Yun Wei (CNOOC), Peipei Deng (CGG), Yongdeng Xiao (CGG), Wenhuan Kuang (CGG), Shuhong Cao (CGG), Srujan Poonamalli (CGG), Robert To (CGG), Joe Zhou (CGG), Jason Sun (CGG), Gang Yao (CNOOC), Yu Jiang (CNOOC) © 2017 EAGE | June

A broadband Wide-Azimuth Towed-Streamer (WATS) survey was acquired in a shallow water region of offshore China for the purpose of resolving strike direction narrow-azimuth acquisition shortcomings. However, the current WATS acquisition is much sparser than WATS surveys in deep water environments. The challenges of ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Nicolas Chazalnoel, Adriano Gomes, Wei Zhao, Brad Wray © 2017 EAGE | June

Conventional Full Waveform Inversion (FWI), mostly based on diving-waves, has become a standard velocity model building tool. Using a dataset from the deep water on the Mexican side of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM), we show that FWI can be effective at resolving different ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Shouting Huang, Merlin Wang, Bing Bai, Ping Wang © 2017 EAGE | June

Kaskida is a large three-way reservoir underneath a complex salt body and truncated by a salt weld. Seismic imaging at the reservoir level is impacted by the inhomogeneous illumination from the complex overburden, which distorts the amplitude of reservoir reflectors and generates lots of ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Francois Baillard, Duncan Witts, Carlos Diaz © 2017 EAGE | June

In offshore prospective areas, oil slicks at the sea surface are often seen as being the visible expression of a working petroleum system at depth. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has proven to be an effective tool for identifying these oil slicks by virtue of ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Thomas Elboth (CGG), Honglei Shen (CGG), Jamshade Khan (CGG) © 2017 EAGE | June

This paper presents recent advances in the area of seismic interference (SI) attenuation. We show how high amplitude and broadside SI noise can be nearly perfectly attenuated as long as the interfering noise is shot-to-shot incoherent. Furthermore, we present a new algorithm that also ...