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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE workshop/forum/local conference | K. Zhao (CGG), M. Burke (CGG), X. Li (CGG), S. Birdus (CGG), A. Artemov (CGG), J. Zhou (CGG), N. Mudge (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

This paper highlights compelling imaging improvements achieved through modern high-end reprocessing in Gippsland Basin. The area of study, largely represented by the Bass Canyon, has strong exploration potential but is high risk. The major challenges in this region are related to geologic complexity and ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | G. Poole (CGG), S. King (CGG), J. Cooper (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

Many hydrophone-only receiver deghosting approaches assume a stationary free surface profile, or that the data may be represented by linear events within a small spatial aperture. In this paper we propose methods to address these limitations. Firstly, we describe a data-driven methodology to estimate ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | R. Soubaras (CGG), B. Gratacos (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

The standard processing approach to transform raw shots records into final products suited to geological interpretation involves cascading numerous steps that can be classified in: pre-processing, which aims at correcting the acquisition imperfections or undesired effects (designature, deghosting, geometry), velocity model building which identifies ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | P. Martinez Duran (CGG), M. Pearsons (CGG), W. Soyer (CGG), G. Duval (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

A high-resolution regional seismic, gravity and magnetics dataset was acquired offshore southern Gabon, which allowed an in-depth and integrated approach for analyzing the crustal setting in this area. Detailed analysis of the datasets available, and 3D modeling of the crust over this region, suggests ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE workshop/forum/local conference | T. Allemand(CGG), P. Guillaume(CGG), F. Gamar(CGG), G. Lambare(CGG), O. Leblanc(CGG), J.Messud(CGG), J-P. Montel(TOTAL) © 2018 EAGE | June

Most recent depth seismic imaging studies involve both full-wave and ray-based methods as the resolution of complex ill-posed problems often require a wide range of tools. Also ray based methods suffer from well-known drawbacks, they will provide accurate results in most of the cases ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | T. Bardainne (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

A joint inversion of P-wave first arrivals, surface wave dispersion curves, and horizon picking of reflectivity image is proposed in order to produce a high resolution Vp (and Vs) model of the near-surface. These three datasets are merged together in a stochastic optimization process ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | J. McLeman (CGG), B. Xiao (CGG), C. Page (CGG), F. Jouno (CGG), N. Salaun (CGG), A. Roubaud (CGG), F. Perrone (CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

With many production reservoirs located at a depth greater than 1km, the near surface is often overlooked during seismic processing. Therefore, valuable information relating to shallow geohazards, faults and changes to lithology are lost or unused. We present a new processing methodology to improve ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE workshop/forum/local conference | Y. Xie(CGG), M. Wang(CGG), B. Xiao(CGG), T. Latter(CGG) © 2018 EAGE | June

The presence of absorption (Q) anomalies in the overburden, typically associated with gas accumulations, cause seismic obscured areas in our images and reduce our ability to see and interpret events inside the resulting “shadow zone”. In this paper we present our recent developments for ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE workshop/forum/local conference | J. Messud (CGG), P. Guillaume (CGG), M. Reinier (CGG), C. Hidalgo (INEOS) © 2018 EAGE | June

We show how the method recently proposed in Messud et al. (2017; 2017b) allows to consider “resolved space” tomographic uncertainties in complement to total tomographic uncertainties. Resolved space uncertainties are obtained by restricting the tomography model space to the one that can be resolved ...