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Technical Abstract

Upper Rhine Graben Deep Geothermal Reservoir Imaging

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Over the past 35 years, geothermal projects have been developed in Upper Rhine Graben (URG) to exploit deep geothermal energy. Below a couple of kilometers of sediment, the deep target consists of granitic basement, highly fractured and hydro-thermally altered, having a high reservoir potential. In order to better understand large scale faulting and ensure viability of future geothermal projects, 3D seismic survey are acquired in the French part of the URG during summer 2018. This paper will present how the most recent seismic imaging sequence is designed in order to first process the acquired data and then build a depth velocity model allowing accurate positioning of the faulting.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Helene Toubiana, Guillaume Gigou, Jean-baptiste Mitschler, Nicolas Salaun




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