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Technical Abstract

A step change in seismic imaging quality in Western desert of Egypt: an acquisition case study

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Over the recent years, numerous case studies have highlighted the strong link between the geophysical value of seismic acquisition and the maximization of two metrics: trace density (expressed as the number of source-receiver pairs per square kilometers) and frequency bandwidth (expressed in octaves). Here, on two surveys, acquired in the Egyptian western desert, in 2009 and 2015, we confirm the value gained from building up trace density and bandwidth and how it has been efficiently achieved by moving away from historical practices like replacing areal field arrays with in-line only arrays, by reducing the amount of equipment per array, by using novel broadband sweeps with much reduced distortion levels combined with high productivity schemes. Although the imaging improvement already achieved is impressive, we believe we can further improve the trace density, and consequently the imaging, with even less equipment per shot and receiver point and the use of even more efficient acquisition scenario. This case study illustrates the high reward one can benefit by moving away from historical practices to adopt novel one’s using at best lesson’s learn worldwide combined with the adoption of latest’s acquisition technologies.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


A. Saleh (Shell), A. El.Fiki (Shell), J.M. Rodriguez (Ardiseis), S. Laroche (CGG), K.Y. Castor (CGG), D. Marin (CGG), T. Bianchi (CGG), P. Bertrand (CGG), P. Herrmann* (CGG)




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