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Specular imaging of converted wave data and AVO impact

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In principle, high quality pre-stack converted wave (PS) data can provide valuable complementary information to PP data to highlight seismic amplitude anomalies in areas with complex imaging problems such as steeply dipping structures and obscured areas. However, in practice, we often find that PS images are noisier than the corresponding PP images. In addition, the amplitude versus offset (AVO) behaviour of PS-gathers generally proves difficult and joint PP-PS AVO is a struggle. In this paper, we propose to employ specular imaging for converted waves. Benefits of specular imaging with dip-angle migration have been widely shown both for 3D imaging and 4D monitoring of P-wave data. Here we apply the specular imaging method to an OBC dataset from the UK North Sea to enhance the PS images. We show that by selection of specular energy in the dip-angle domain PS images are significantly less noisy and migration artefacts reduced. The AVO compliance of specular migrated gathers is significantly enhanced.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Arash Jafargandomi, Ololade Bukola, Ramez Refaat, Henning Hoeber




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