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Technical Abstract

Ray-tracing-based Input Data Selection RTM - A Target Oriented Approach for Clearer Subsalt Image

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We present an input data selection workflow based on 3D ray-tracing to improve the RTM image in areas of poor illumination and low signal-to-noise ratio. It is effective for imaging subsalt three-way closure with weak subsalt primaries and strong noise levels. The workflow can be applied on any type of survey, but it is most suitable for full azimuth geometries. We focus on data selection using 3D ray-tracing, but this workflow can be easily adapted to use finite-difference wave-equation modelling. The data selection information can either be used to scale up the weak primary signal before migration or to be migrated separately and merged into a full migration result in the post-migration stage.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Chao Peng, Weiping Gou, Guoxing Liu




© 2015 EAGE