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Technical Abstract

Pre-Salt Prospectivity in Brazil and Gabon: Discriminating Between Lakes and Lake-Like Water Bodies

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Stratal geometries, reservoir and source facies are different in true lakes, in lakes with restricted access to the global ocean, and in “lakes” continuously connected to the global ocean but capped by large quantities of freshwater. We illustrate the importance for exploration and development of addressing these issues in the pre-salt sequences of the South Atlantic. We have achieved this through interpretation of high quality seismic images of the pre-salt section, in a geological context provided by analysis of well and rock data, prediction of palaeoclimate and palaeohydrology, and an understanding of relative plate motions and global oceanic sea levels. We conclude that undrilled reservoir facies are present on the flanks of the main structural highs in the hypersaline basins of south Brazil, and in the freshwater basin of south Gabon.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Rob Crossley, Rachael Harrison, Gregor Duval, Alexandra Ashley




©2020 EAGE