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Technical Abstract

Pore System Structure Assessment Using BSE-SEM Data

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This work investigates the potential of QEMSCAN in assessing the pore structure system. 23 carbonate and clastic samples are analysed using QEMSCAN, which shows a good assessment of the macropore system (pore larger than 10µm). It defines the macropore system volume and delivers pore length distribution. The pore length distributions are integrated with plug-NMR results; a good match is observed between the two type of results, which enables a calibration of the T2 relaxation time with pore sizes. Compared to NMR data, QEMSCAN provide real pore measurements, which could be more accurate to use in permeability calculations.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Aurelie Bonin, Gareth Rogers




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