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Technical Abstract

Nearfield hydrophone driven 3D source designature and deghosting for multi-level source data

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Combined with recent receiver deghosting strategies, the use of multi-level sources can provide further uplift to the ever broadening bandwidth of seismic data. While multi-level sources help mitigate source notches in the output spectrum, the resulting emitted wavelet still exhibits residual ghosts, directivity, and bubble energy which must be handled in processing. We highlight the compatibility of Ziolkowski’s notional source method with multi-level source acquisition. We continue by showing how the directional signatures may be used for 3D directional designature and deghosting on shallow water towed streamer data. The results show a significant improvement in the level of ringing relating to source wavelet directivity effects.
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Gordon Poole, Ping Wang, Yuan Ni, Zhan Fu, Risto Siliqi




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