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Technical Abstract

Improved Structural Imaging Using Joint Velocity and Q FWI on Ocean Bottom Seismic

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Gas absorption causes anelastic effects (described by the quality factor Q) and is a well-known source of amplitude loss and phase distortion in seismic data. Advances in our full waveform inversion technology mean it is now possible to compensate for phase distortion and amplitude loss by a joint update between velocity and the quality factor. In this paper we present the results of Q-FWI derived on dense, wide azimuth ocean bottom p-wave seismic for a North Sea dataset with gas present in the overburden. We see that when combined with Q-Reverse Time Migration a significant uplift in reservoir imaging is obtained.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


K. McCluskey, A. Varghese, J. Schultzen, C. Henstock (CGG); M. Naerheim, B. Lyngnes, L. Bencherif-Soerensen, V. Flataas (ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS))




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