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Technical Abstract

Detection and correction of surface- and acquisition-related inconsistencies: A case study in land vibrator data

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Analyzing seismic amplitude trends requires stability of the seismic wavelet in both amplitude and phase. Unfortunately, in land acquisition, the filter applied as energy travels through the near-surface can have a dramatic impact on both. Here, we will extend previous work on proposing detailed QC methods for surface-consistent deconvolution of land dynamite data to land vibrator data. In the process, we uncover and attenuate an apparent acquisition abnormality, producing seismic data more amenable to sensitive post-migration analysis and inversion.
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SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists


James Trousdale, Liuling Gong, Adam Searle, Jiawei Mei, Jingfeng Zhang, Colin Melvin, Robert Pool, Sheryl Land




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