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Technical Abstract

Application of advanced velocity model building and migration technology on offshore West Africa marine dataset

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In recent years there has been tremendous progress in the resolution and accuracy that can be obtained in seismic images. Several techniques are now available to achieve a high-definition final image. In the Cap-Boujdour dataset from offshore Morocco, the imaging is challenging due to a highly faulted geological setting and the presence of gas hydrates in the shallow overburden. The final image resolution beneath these absorptive bodies is poor if we do not compensate for the resulting attenuation. This case study illustrates how a combination of sophisticated velocity update technologies, such as full waveform inversion and the latest tomography developments, together with Q-prestack depth migration, can achieve high-resolution seismic imaging.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Matthieu Pouget, Claire Beigbeder, Fatiha Gamar, Herve Prigent, Madeleine Drubigny, Lamisse Zerrouki, Jean-michel Maillart




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