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3D designature using source-receiver symmetry in the shot tau-px-py domain

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While sufficient for many deep water datasets, vertical designature in shallow water environments can lead to unsatisfactory levels of ringing and amplitude striping, particularly on outer streamers where the assumption of a vertical farfield signature is least accurate. In this paper we modify the tau-px-py Radon equations to introduce a 3D directional designature algorithm. Assuming source-receiver propagation symmetry a 3D source re-signature operation is introduced and solved with an iteratively re-weighted least squares solver. The results of the strategy lead to improved spatial consistency and a reduction in the level of amplitude striping in the output data. Data examples from a real-world dual-level source project with variable depth streamer from the North Sea are given.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Gordon Poole, James Cooper, Simon King, Ping Wang




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