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Technical Abstract

Multi-Sensor Receiver Deghosting Using Data Domain Sparseness Weights

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While the benefits of vertical particle velocity measurements are well known for towed streamer receiver deghosting, in many cases high noise levels can cause practical issues. We describe an inversion-driven receiver deghosting approach which is jointly constrained by hydrophone data and prior wavefield separated data. Prior wavefield separated data can relate to an up-going or down-going wavefield, obtained by combining hydrophone and particle velocity data. Use of prior wavefield separation data provides the joint inversion with signal at hydrophone notch frequencies, as well as making it less sensitive to variations in the free surface datum than hydrophone-only inversion methods. The use of data domain sparseness constraints makes the approach practical as it may be applied to data without prior denoise. The proposed method is validated on synthetic and real data examples.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


G. Poole (CGG), J. Cooper (CGG)




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