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Technical Abstract

Adaptive tomographic 3D MAZ PSDM velocity modeling with tilted orthorhombic anisotropy. Example from NW Australian shelf

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We present a workflow for 3D MAZ PSDM velocity modeling with tilted orthorhombic anisotropy. We focus on two aspects of depth-velocity modeling that are extremely important for seismic data from the NW Australian shelf: (1) high resolution adaptive seismic tomography to deal with strong velocity anomalies in complex geological settings and (2) practical workflow to build a tilted orthorhombic anisotropic PSDM velocity model in regions with complex velocity anomalies and strong horizontal and vertical anisotropy. We use real data from 4060 km2 3D MAZ PSDM Fortuna project located in the NW Australian shelf to illustrate presented workflow and its results.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Sergey Birdus (CGG), Alexey Artemov (CGG), Kai Zhao (CGG), Dana Iwachow (Woodside Energy), Cristina Angheluta (Woodside Energy)




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