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Technical Abstract

De-noising Strategy on Single-source Single-sensor Data: a Case Study from North Kuwait

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This paper reviews the benefits of using “high-end new-generation” de-noising tools on a broadband single-source single-sensor Wide Azimuth survey acquired in Kuwait. A processing pilot has been conducted in a very challenging area containing agricultural and industrial zones, as well as various natural and man-made obstructions, leading to large holes and irregularities in the acquisition. We show that the in-place solution is correctly recovering the emitted broadband signal, by doing a dedicated processing on highly noise contaminated elementary traces. Then, once properly de-noised, a 5D interpolation process can faithfully reconstruct a consistent high resolution image, from the shallow to the deeper part. Appropriate de-noising steps prior to the 5D interpolation is also crucial for further processing steps as demultiple, pre-stack time and depth imaging and reservoir characterization.
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T. Rebert (CGG), J. Rivault (CGG), G. Gigou (CGG), L. Vivin (CGG), H. Toubiana (CGG), S. Baillon (CGG), A. Prescott (CGG), D. Le Meur (CGG), A. El-Emam (KOC), H. Bayri (KOC)




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