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Technical Abstract

3D VSP processing and imaging: A case study at Mad Dog, Gulf of Mexico

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3D VSP data provides a unique opportunity to improve image resolution and fault definition in the vicinity of a well. However, the processing and imaging of VSP data requires special accommodations for its distinctive acquisition geometry. In this abstract, we demonstrate two key VSP pre-processing steps that greatly impacted the final image from the Mad Dog 3D VSP data, including XYZ vector field reorientation based on 3D elastic finite difference modelling, and shot-to-shot directional de-signature using near field hydrophone data. We also demonstrate how utilizing the multiple energy - in addition to primary - extends our capability to image the shallow overburden.
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SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Chang-Chun Lee, Weiping Gou, Francis Rollins, Qingsong Li, Tianxia Jia, Samarjit Chakraborty




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