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Technical Content

Industry Article
The American Oil and Gas Reporter | Ross Taylor, Chi Vinh Ly, Aiguo Bian and Stephen Secrest © 2021 AOGR | January

HOUSTON–Cuttings are a valuable and cost-effective source of subsurface data from both vertical and lateral wells that is commonly overlooked in oil and gas exploration and development drilling. Advancements in analytical technologies have enhanced the data extraction from cuttings to provide key subsurface insights ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Nicolas Salaun, Helene Toubiana, Jean-Baptiste Mitschler, Guillaume Gigou, Xavier Carriere, Vincent Maurer, and Alexandre Richard © 2020 SEG | December

Over the past 35 years, geothermal projects have been developed in the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) to exploit deep geothermal energy. Underneath approximately 2 km of sedimentary deposits, the deep target consists of a granitic basement, which is highly fractured and hydrothermally altered. Therefore ...