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Laterally constrained surface wave inversion

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We propose a laterally constrained surface wave inversion to obtain a reliable near-surface shear-wave velocity field from Rayleigh wave measurements. This workflow is targeted at dense 3D broadband Wide-Azimuth land surveys, aiming to obtain reliable and realistic lateral shear-wave velocity variations pertinent with regard to surface or sub-surface information. We applied our methodology to a dataset acquired by Petroleum Development of Oman in the Sultanate of Oman. The S-wave velocity model obtained can be easily correlated to surface data, satellite map and time-reflectivity volume; hence demonstrating the potential of our method to build reliable and geologically consistent near-surface velocity models.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Thomas Bardainne, Katia Garceran, Matthieu Retailleau, Xavier Duwattez, Raphael Sternfels, David Le Meur




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