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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Vivek Swami, Alina Abukarova, Fabien Allo, Gareth Rogers, Mark Cowgill (CGG) ; Khalid AL Rahbi, Rashid Al Harthy, Sumil Kumar Verma, Peter Zonjee (CCED) ©2022 EAGE | December

CCED is the operator of onshore blocks in the Sultanate of Oman. The blocks are located on the eastern flank of the Oman Salt Basin. Within the area of interest, the Barik, Al Bashair, Buah and Khufai Formations form the main oil and gas ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Chin Hang Lun, Thomas Hewitt, Song Hou ©2022 EAGE | December

Tables are ubiquitous in the geoscience industry, appearing in numerous documents and spreadsheets. They contain a wealth of data in a structured format which can help us understand the subsurface. However, the number of tables created over the years is huge and it requires ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Tim Whittle, Philippa Park, Carolina Coll ©2022 EAGE | December

Novel/Additive Information: The paper presents a simple and computational fast method to predict CO2 injectivity and well pressure as a function of time. The application of superposition in time - a method usually associated with solving linear problems - is demonstrated to adequately solve ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Gordon Poole, Zhaoyu Jin, Andrew Irving, Ramez Refaat ©2022 EAGE | December

Up-down deconvolution remains a powerful tool for the processing of ocean-bottom node data through its ability to efficiently attenuate free-surface multiples along with the source ghost and signature. Practical receiver-domain implementations in the frequency-wavenumber domain, however, assume layer-cake geology and can leave residual multiples ...

Industry Article
GeoExpro | Jarrad Grahame ©2022 Geonova AS | December

CGG has undertaken a multi-phase, multi-year data enhancement and acquisition project, commencing with a major basin-scale reprocessing initiative (ReGeneration) and culminating in the completion of a new 3D acquisition and imaging project, completed in 2021. The new survey has provided expanded data coverage from ...

Industry Article
GeoExpro | Madhurima Bhattacharya, Harrison Moore ©2022 Geonova AS | December

Seismic imaging in the Kwanza Basin has historically proven to be challenging owing to its complex geology and the presence of deep pre-salt targets. CGG has recently re-imaged its Kwanza Basin multi-client data portfolio to benefit from new insights made possible by advanced proprietary ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Ekaterina Kneller, Manuel Peiro, Ulisses Correia (CGG) ; Jose Manuel Única Pacheco, Pablo Villa Bayón (Repsol) ©2022 SEG | December

A continuing concern regarding presalt carbonate reservoirs offshore Brazil is how to derive accurate quantitative estimates of reservoir properties. It is challenging to understand the link between the facies model and the variation in elastic properties, recover a reliable model of elastic properties from ...

Industry Article
First Break | Gordon Poole, Milad Farshad, Zhaoyu Jin, Brandon Li ©2022 EAGE | December

Short-period multiple attenuation is often challenging as the multiple generators are typically not sufficiently well recorded as primary events for SRME to be successful. Model-based approaches have traditionally been used to circumvent this problem but may only model multiples generated by key events such ...

Industry Article
Frontiers in Earth Science | Gareth Rogers, Louise Hamdy, Amy McGarry, David Gold ©2022 Creative Commons Attribution License | November

This study is concerned with testing the application of Automated Mineralogy (AM), specifically QEMSCAN, to identify and quantify microplastic particles within a solid heterogeneous specimen, as an initial assessment of how this technique may be utilised in microplastic research and environmental monitoring. It utilises ...