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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Francesco Perrone, Paul Sava © 2015 EAGE | June

Migration Velocity Analysis in the subsurface-domain measures velocity errors via (extended) image-domain residuals with respect to an ideal reference image and then updates the velocity model in order to minimize those residuals.Because of the similarity between images with similar extension parameter (shot number, offset ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Florian Duret, Eric Forgues © 2015 EAGE | June

In 4D land and especially for Permanent Reservoir Monitoring (PRM), changes of the subsurface induce unwanted signal variations that interfere with the 4D signal recorded from the reservoir. A three-month PRM pilot was carried out for Shell on the Peace River heavy oil field ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Julien Cotton, Herve Chauris, Eric Forgues, Laurene Michou © 2015 EAGE | June

In 4D seismic, the velocity model used for imaging and reservoir characterization can change over calendar time as the reservoir is produced. This is particularly true for heavy-oil reservoir produced by steam simulation (EOR). We propose an automatic 4D update of the 3D velocity ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Sebastien Gallo, A. Pineda, H. Harkas © 2015 EAGE | June

A new methodology is presented for building near-surface static corrections models consisting on multi-physics measurements integration. The methodology was applied in two geological contexts: presence of a complex, multi-layered sandy overburden on Kahlouche area, and important weathered zone fluctuations due to shallow complex geology ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Zhengmin Zhang, Joe Zhou, Chin Hwee Chionh, Jingyu Li, Graeme Bone © 2015 EAGE | June

The oil-bearing fractured granite basement rocks are a very important and complicated hydrocarbon reservoir in offshore Vietnam. In this paper, we present a case study of improving the fracture imaging in the Cuu Long Basin offshore Vietnam through Broadband technology, which not only provide ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Hui Huang, Ping Wang, Shuming Hu © 2015 EAGE | June

Model-based water-layer demultiple (MWD) is an effective method for attenuating water-layer-related multiples (WLRMs), especially in shallow water environments. Regular 3D MWD use regularized common-offset cubes for both shot- and receiver-side multiples. We propose a selective-input adaptation of the regular 3D MWD workflow that uses ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Carlos Rivas, Hui Chen, Chu-Ong Ting, © 2015 EAGE | June

Blended acquisition of ocean bottom node (OBN) surveys may provide important time savings when the survey duration is tightly constrained. We present a method that focuses on the deblending of OBN data recording two simultaneous sources in the Gulf of Mexico. By knowing the ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Matthieu Retailleau © 2015 EAGE | June

The scope of this paper is to illustrate how surface-consistent deconvolution operators can help to image the shallow subsurface on land data. Two case studies from modern, dense, wide-azimuth surveys recently acquired in Oman are presented. The predictive deconvolution operators were computed from an ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Teng Cao, Nicolas Vidal, Diego Carotti, Amir Kabbej, Marie-Laure Gaquere © 2015 EAGE | June

Anisotropic parameter estimation is very challenging for new exploration areas where there are no wells. In an offshore survey of over 3000 km2 in the west of Africa, we used surface seismic data in a non-linear tomographic inversion to simultaneously estimate migration velocity and ...