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Technical Content

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Kerry Blinston, Henri Blondelle © 2017 SEG | March

We discuss a feasibility study to access the 11,500 well headers and 450,000 documents from the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) that were released by Common Data Access Limited. A cost-effective solution based on emerging machine learning technology “taught” and guided by data-management experts ...

Industry Article
Oilfield Technology | Trevor Coulman, Ronald Kenny, Sue Rezai, Alain Viau, Olivier Winter © 2017 Palladian Publications Ltd | March

A case history in West Texas, in the Permian Basin, of a non-exclusive seismic imaging project spanning acquisition, processing and reservoir interpretation. Located in Howard and Glasscock counties, the Hobo non-exclusive seismic survey aims at imaging and quantitatively interpreting the Spraberry and Wolfcamp formations.

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | R.R. Haacke (CGG), L. Casasanta (CGG), S. Hou (CGG) & J.R. Henderson (Nexen) © 2017 EAGE | March

Although good for time-lapse monitoring, ocean-bottom surveys often miss the first time-step of initial fluid production. To capture this it is necessary to co-process ocean-bottom data with the exploration dataset, usually towed streamer. Our North Sea study has significant 4D noise produced by un-cancelled ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE workshop/forum/local conference | K. McCluskey (CGG), S. Buizard (CGG), M. McCluskey (CGG), R. Zietal (CGG) & N. Moyle (Statoil ASA) © 2017 EAGE | March

The purpose of this abstract is to highlight how some of the inconsistencies relating to environmental and acquisition differences are and dealt with in the context of fast delivery Snorre PRM data. The topics summarised are those which have been especially important to the ...

Technical Abstract
Workshop/forum/seminar (other) | Claire Roberts, Adam Thomas, Michael Wooster © 2017 | February

Abstract focusses on the LiveLand ESA IAP project and summarises how earth observation, weather forecast and GNSS can assist with the challenges transport operators across Scotland experience in relation to landslides and ground deformation along transport routes.

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Jeremie Messud, Mathieu Reinier, Herve Prigent, Patrice Guillaume, Thierry Coleou, Sylvain Masclet © 2017 SEG | February

Structural information in seismic images is critical for reservoir delineation, reserve estimation and well planning, but is also uncertain by nature. A cause for this is uncertainty in migration model estimated by tomography that straightforwardly affects position of migrated events, both laterally and vertically ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Nick Benfield, Vishram Rambaran, Joel Dowlath, Tom Sinclair (BG-Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc), Miles Evans, Jamie Richardson, Andrew Ratcliffe, and Andrew Irving (CGG) © 2017 SEG | January

This paper focusses on improving the seismic image on a dataset from offshore Trinidad; Tobago by using full-waveform inversion (FWI) to refine the shallow velocities and also describes geological information that can be inferred directly from the resulting velocity model. In the first half ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Yi Xie , Bin Zhou , Joe Zhou , Jiangtao Hu , Lei Xu , Xiaodong Wu , Nina Lin , Fong Cheen Loh , Lubo Liu , and Zhiliang Wang (CNOOC ltd-Tianjin) © 2017 SEG | January

Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC) acquisition has become the new trend in Bohai area with the benefit of operational flexibility, better illumination, better multiple elimination and better S/N for the targets at middle to deep depth. However, the presence of orthorhombic anisotropy causes severe challenges ...

Industry Article
First Break | Madhurima Bhattacharya, Gregor Duval © 2016 EAGE | December

This article reviews the status of hydrocarbon exploration and level of geological understanding in the Durban and Zululand Basins offshore South Africa and it provides clues and new ideas from seismic interpretation and observations of the latest CGG multi-client 2D shot in the area ...