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Technical Content

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Ping Wang, Zhigang Zhang, Jiawei Mei, Feng Lin, Rongxin Huang © 2019 SEG | March

Full-waveform inversion (FWI), proposed by Lailly and Tarantola in the 1980s, is considered the most promising data-driven tool to automatically build velocity models. Many successful examples have been reported using FWI to update shallow sediments, gas pockets, and mud volcanoes. However, successful applications of ...

Industry Article
First Break | Anna Sedova, Gillian Royle, Thibaut Allemand, Gilles Lambare, Olivier Hermant © 2019 EAGE | January

In this paper we demonstrate the ability of acoustic land FWI to recover a high-resolution velocity model using reflected waves in addition to diving waves and inverting up to 13 Hz.

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Reza Saberi © 2018 SEG | December

Well-tie analysis is a starting point for mapping facies and geology observed at well locations onto seismic cubes. This step is very important for any application that uses seismic and well data together, and can secure more accurate results by increasing consistency between seismic ...

Industry Article
First Break | Phil Hayes, Luke Twigger, Krzysztof Ubik, Thomas Latter, Chris Purcell, Bingmu Xiao © 2018 EAGE | December

Below is a case study of the ongoing work on the Monarb and Seagull reprocessing projects in the Central North Sea, with a focus on the use of legacy near field hydrophone recordings, 3D recursive MWD, wave equation deconvolution and AVO QC (In particular ...

Industry Article
First Break | Jo Firth , Gordon Poole , Federico Buriola , Steve McDonald , Paul Fallon , Steve Hollingworth , James Cooper © 2018 EAGE | November

The desire to extend all the benefits of broadband 3D data to 4D time-lapse surveys has been hampered by the requirement for repeatability between successive surveys. The use of deep-towed multi-sensor streamers in time-lapse acquisition creates challenges, as the existing baseline surveys will often ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Jaqueline Krueger, Daniela Donno, Roberto Pereira, Debora Mondini, Ariane Souza, Jaime Espinoza, Adel Khalil (CGG) © 2018 SEG | October

The Santos basin is known to contain strong internal multiples that pose a major challenge for the imaging of pre-salt reservoirs. Artifacts generated by incorrectly imaged internal multiples can affect model building, interpretation, and ultimately contaminate amplitudes in the pre-salt reservoirs. We examine four ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Can Peng, Xuhui Luo, Diancheng Wang, and Jeshurun Hembd, CGG © 2018 SEG | October

We propose a post-migration 3D Q compensation process in the depth domain that is accurate for complex geological structures, accommodates complex Q models, and also provides flexibility in noise handling and spectral control that is critical to AVA recovery.

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Thomas Latter, Malgorzata Gregory, Andrew Ratcliffe, Graham Roberts, Bingmu Xiao, Rhea Sood and Chris Purcell, CGG © 2018 SEG | October

Amplitude attenuation and phase distortion of seismic data are byproducts of the Earth’s anelasticity (Q). These effects are exacerbated under regions of anomalously high absorption, such as shallow gas, causing uneven illumination and migration artifacts. We present a case study from the Norwegian North ...