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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Nicolas Salaun, Mathieu Reinier, Isabel Espin, Guillaume Gigou ©2021 EAGE | May

The Greater Castberg survey was acquired in 2019 using a source-over-spread acquisition design with an additional source at the front of the streamers, towed by the receiver boat, to permit recording of longer offsets. Starting from an initial anisotropic model, time-lag full waveform inversion ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Paolo Gabrielli, Simon Drummie, Ewa Kaszycka, Steve Thompson, Yuxuan Zhan, Rory Hover, Sridhar Mannem, Monika Ubik, Nicolas Morandini, Peeyush Upadhyay, Benjamin Bosbach (CGG) ; M Shah B Sulaiman, Christopher Lee Slind (Petronas) ©2020 EAGE | May

Offshore Gabon has several challenges for seismic exploration. The major difficulty is obtaining a detailed and accurate velocity model. Complicated salt structures with overhangs, variability within the salt and carbonate rafts with Karst features pose difficult challenges to conventional velocity model building. Moreover, these ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Harrison Moore, Simon Drummie, Ewa Kaszycka, Gordon Poole, Krzysztof Cichy ©2020 EAGE | May

We discuss the processing and imaging challenges relating to a marine seismic survey acquired northwest of the Shetland Islands. The proximity of the survey to the islands forced the acquisition direction to be strike to the subsurface geology. A shooting vessel provided wide azimuth ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Henry Kerrison, Paul Fallon, Ewa Kaszycka, Krzysztof Cichy, Andrew Ratcliffe, Nabil Masmoudi ©2021 EAGE | May

The combination of ever-increasing computational power and more robust algorithms have made it possible to run full-waveform inversion (FWI) to higher frequencies and, also, offer more possibilities to take advantage of the reflections in the inversion. Through a process known as FWI Imaging, the ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Chi Chen, Huawei Gao, Xin Zhao, Zhao Wang, Jiawei Mei (CGG) ; Mark A. Benson (BP Houston) ; Bethan Turner (BP Egypt) ; Walter Rietveld (BP Exploration Ltd) ©2020 EAGE | May

The Messinian interval in the West Nile Delta, offshore Egypt, is a thin evaporite layer characterized by highly irregular velocities with rapid spatial variations. Its complexity poses unique challenges for sub-Messinian reservoir imaging, resulting in erratic gather curvatures, distorted structures, and nonuniform illumination. Conventional ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Mohammad Farooqui, Diego Carotti (CGG) ; Moosa Jahdhami (Petroleum Development Oman) ©2021 EAGE | May

The geology of northern Oman presents significant challenges for land velocity model building. We show in this paper that these challenges can be overcome by using an integrated high-resolution velocity model workflow, through the combination of different types of waves, that allow resolving different ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Diego Lopez, Pierre Roy, Benjamin Roure (CGG) ; Anne-Sophie Barnola, Joffrey Brunellière (Total) ©2021 EAGE | May

Inversion has become the standard procedure to quantify elastic properties using seismic. PP seismic is commonly used for this purpose, but in areas where PP seismic is affected by gas pockets or mud volcanoes, the reflectivity can be compromised for reservoir characterization. PP-PS inversion ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Benjamin Roure ©2020 EAGE | May

Pure S-wave (SS) seismic data have the potential to bring significant uplift to seismic imaging and reservoir characterization. Combining PP, PS and/or SS data in a joint inversion for seismic reservoir characterization presents some theoretical advantages for the estimation of shear-velocity and density related ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Diancheng Wang, Chi Chen, Dongping Zhuang, Jiawei Mei, Ping Wang ©2020 EAGE | May

Land seismic presents more and different challenges for Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) than marine data. Among these challenges, the most fundamental ones are the irregular topography, strong nearsurface effects, and common FWI difficulties such as cycle-skipping and amplitude issues. In this work, we propose to ...